A big weight was lifted off our collective shoulders today. We had our follow up visit with Dr. Shoffner in Atlanta, and it could not have gone better.
The upshot is this: we found out that Roxie almost certainly does NOT have an aggressively degenerative form of Mitochondrial Disease. This means she is unlikely to develop additional problems in other organs (e.g., heart, lungs, G.I. tract) AND that she is likely to have a more traditional life expectancy!
The drive home this afternoon was light-hearted to say the least. We really like Dr. Shoffner, and believe that, along with our neurologist, geneticist, and pediatrician (and various specialists and therapists), we are seeing all the right folks for Roxie's condition. With hard work, the latest treatment options, a hope for future breakthroughs and maybe even a cure, we really feel empowered ... probably for the first time since we started this journey.
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