Monday, February 04, 2008

No long-term effects from seizures

[January 4, 2008, email from my sister Ellen to friends and family]

Hi all,

Not much to update since Phelps' last email except to say that the neurologist did confirm the type of seizures Roxie was having were "partial seizures". I don't know much about what that means other than they are harder to get stopped than general seizures but that they almost never cause lasting effects to the brain once they are stopped. Therefore, no one expects that once we get Roxie well from the RSV there will be any long term regression or delays from the seizures. So, that is great news. Roxie has been stable since Wednesday afternoon and is continuing to strengthen. The nurses and doctors have been fantastic, Phelps & Kate are very happy with
her care.

All that being said, Roxie is still expected to remain in the ICU for another couple of days and likely in the hospital for awhile after that. They are basically kicked out of the ICU from 6:45 to 8 PM in the evenings, so they are coming home to spend some time with McRae before she goes to bed and get a chance to have dinner. So, I know a lot of you have asked about meals and if you would like, I know those would be much appreciated. Starting tonight, through the next 7 days would be great for dinners. Please let me know if there is a night you would like to do. It would be great if you could have the meals to their home by 6:15 that evening, since they really would prefer to have down time with McRae once they are home, since they are seeing her so infrequently right now.

Thanks to all of you, if you would prefer to support them through thoughts, prayers, bringing snack foods (fruit, muffins, etc) or in any other way, that would be wonderful too. Please don't feel any pressure to bring a meal if that doesn't work for your family.

Phelps & Kate are so lucky to have friends like all of you and all of your support has meant more to them than you can know!


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